This operation guide includes PDF files that enable self-study of the contents of the introductory training and seminars in picture book format.

Download and read in order from IEmesh Guide.

  IEmesh Guide

IEmesh Guide
This tool is used to create shape models.
Sequentially, it explains the basic and more complex functions of the system.

  MaiEditor Guide

MaiEditor Guide
After creating a geometry model, this tool is used to read it and create physical properties and control files.
Sequentially, it explains the basic and more complex functions of the system.

  Wmap Guide

Wmap Guide
A tool for drawing result files.

  Example MAGIC

ELF/MAGIC Example Guide
Explanations and input data for ELF/MAGIC examples.

  Example ELFIN

ELFIN Example Guide
Explanations and input data for ELFIN examples.
ELF/BEAM explanation is also included.

  ELF/Bench Guide

ELF/Bench Guide
Tools for efficient calculation by handling input/output files.
You can execute a full set of calculations without ELF/Bench, but it is a useful tool when calculating multiple problems.

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